Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I have been fairly athletic my entire life and have recently taken up running. The day after I run -- sprints or longer distance -- the insides of my shins hurt. It almost feels like it's my bones that are in pain. This affects my walking, squatting, and most leg functions.

According to my research and Study, this I could have:


 This term is used to describe pain along the inner tibia. Typically the pain involves a third or more of the bone. The pain develops while running and resolves afterwards; it usually improves with continued training. The inner aspect of the tibia will be tender to touch, with no area more tender than another. There may be mild swelling in the lower leg.

The pain is due to microscopic tears of the muscle away from the lining of the bone. Predisposing factors include overpronation and running on hard surfaces. Shin splints are more common in novice runners.


The proper treatment of shin splints is as follows:
-RICE: rest, ice, compression and elevation. essentially, this is an overuse injury and the most effective treatment is rest. ice, compression and elevation will help with the pain, and occasional NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aleve) may also be used for pain management. Unlike with stress fracture, which requires six weeks of rest, shin splints will normally resolve within a week or so. when you feel the pain has improved, it is reasonable to take up running again (you will not worsen the injury nor cause any permanent damage) if the pain comes back, return to the RICE regimen. -stretching and muscle strengthening are also important components of the treatment and prevention of future shin splints. at least 5-10 minutes of dedicated stretching following your workout is recommended.

*Ignoring this injury may result in a more serious condition such as a stress fracture or breakage of the bones.

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